Thursday 6 May 2010

Evermore: The Immortals series #1 by Alyson Noel

Evermore: The Immortals series by Alyson Noel

Description: Seventeen-year-old Ever is the sole survivor of a car crash that killed her entire family. Living with her aunt in Southern California, she's plagued by the ability to hear the thoughts of those around her, and haunted by the ghost of her little sister. She tries to tune everyone out, shunning her old lifestyle as the pretty, popular cheerleader, but somehow she can't hide from Damen, the new guy at school. Stunningly handsome, clever and not a little bit intimidating, there's something about him that doesn't quite add up. Ever realises he's hiding something, but nothing could prepare her for the truth - especially when the truth involves past lives, murderous enemies, everlasting love and the secret of eternal youth . . .

My review: I seem to have got myself into this ‘Young adult’ Vampire/supernatural romance genre, at the moment. I have to admit, being a 35 year old mum it does make you ‘relive’ a bit of your teenage years reading these and they are an easy read, which is probably why I enjoy them. So that being said, here’s my review.

The opening of this story is quite sad and heart rendering, especially when you have lost a loved one yourself, you can relate to what Ever, our heroine, is going through. I liked Ever, she’s a nice mixed up teen who is just looking to try to survive her guilt over the accident that claimed the rest of her family. She has the usual sort of hang ups that most teens have, but also has a lot of extra ‘baggage’ to deal with, like she sees peoples auras and can hear their thoughts, good and bad!

Her friends are the ‘misfits’ of the school, so they meld together well, although they are a fickle pair, Haven and Miles. Damen comes to town and instantly is the new hottie of the school and only, really, has eyes for Ever. In return, Ever seems to be admiring beneath her hoodie and iPod but not letting her emotions run their course. It’s a typical teen struggle story, really, with some good supernatural twists and turns. Riley, Ever’s dead sister who visits her in her spiritual form is a fun character and I sometimes forgot she was supposed to be 12, even spirit kids grow up quicker these day, haha.

I like this book, as long as you don’t take things too seriously and you can see the creative side of things I think it’s highly enjoyable. Would make an interesting film, if it happens.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Darke Academy (Books 1 and 2) by Gabriella Poole review

I have recently read both of these books, so I thought I'd put both of their reviews on one posting :)

Secret Lives (Darke Academy #1) By Gabriella Poole

Description: The Darke Academy is a school like no other. An elite establishment that moves to an exotic new city every term, its students are impossibly beautiful, sophisticated and rich. And the more new scholarship girl Cassie Bell learns about the Academy, the more curious she becomes. What sinister secrets are guarded by the Few -- the select group of students who keep outsiders away? Who is the dark stranger prowling the corridors at night? And what really happened a year earlier, when the last scholarship girl died in mysterious circumstances? One thing Cassie will discover is that a little knowledge may be a dangerous thing, but knowing too much can be deadly...

My review:I liked this book, firstly being English and reading a book by a British author was great, the slang was familiar and brought a smile to my face being used correctly. Nice to have an English based heroine and a good mixture of other nationalities represented in the Darke Academy. A school with a difference, very exclusive, very educated, in more than just 'the normal' too.

Cassie is an endearing heroine, her friends and enemies, along the way, are well rounded characters. The story was nicely paced, and the crescendo was very good too. The end was a good one, leading you to want to read about the next 'terms' events. Wondering how the story will evolve in it's new peak of interest, after Secret lives.

I would recommend it, it's not your 'conventional' vampire based novel, but it's still gripping enough to make you want to read to the end.

Blood Ties (Darke Academy #2) by Gabriella Poole

Description: The Darke Academy is a school like no other. An elite establishment that moves to an exotic new city every term, its students are impossibly beautiful, sophisticated and rich. This term the secretive Darke Academy has moved to New York, and Cassie Bell is no longer the innocent new girl. Now she is strong, determined, and hiding secrets of her own. For Cassie has been introduced to the world of the Few and is struggling to come to terms with her astonishing powers, a dangerous romance and the malevolent spirit inside her, demanding to be fed. When an old enemy returns, bent on revenge, Cassie is tested to the limit. Can she rescue her friends from a horrific fate, or will she end up destroying them to save herself? Wherever the Darke Academy goes, death is never far behind ...

My review:The second book in the Darke Academy following the story of scholarship girl, Cassie Bell. After her first term at the academy things have changed for her. She now has a 'budding' intense romance and has some strain on her friendships with Isabella and Jake.

Now a member of the elite 'Few' she has many personal struggles to deal with and still has to find her 'niche' within the Few. Her journey is not easy and is quite intense with obstacles she has to overcome and conquer.

The book is well written and a great second part to the series, I loved the pace and loved the little twists and introduction of certain scenes. Really enjoyed it and can't wait for the third book to come out in August!!